Wednesday 16 January 2013


Alter-Ego is a strategy that is very similar to the concept of the devil and the angel on a person's shoulder. This is usually done in groups of at least 3 students. One person is sitting in a seat contemplating an issue or a dilemma. The other 2 students will be standing on each side of the person in the seat. They will then take on opposing views (e.g. the 'angel' or positive view, and the 'devil' or negative view). For example, if the student in the seat is facing the decision of whether or not to buy junk food for lunch or stick to his/her sandwich, a student on one side will continuously be saying to buy the junk food and reasons for why he/she should buy it, while the other student will do the opposite and advise the person not to buy junk food and why they should not buy it. This strategy visually demonstrates the internal battle people face when making decisions.

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